2023 SFNL Finals – Statement

It is with great disappointment that we announce that we have NOT been selected to host any SFNL finals this year.

After decades of being the league’s choice to host either Division 2 or Division 3 finals, the league was not in a position to award us any finals this year.

The main reasons the SFNL was not in a position to appoint us, is the unfinished work on the change-rooms that required “URGENT” repairs.

Black mould was discovered in the third week of September last year, with the council immediately closing the rooms. In November, they took the next step and gutted the rooms.

Since then, there has been NO further work by Bayside City Council, with the players having to use temporary change-rooms and showers that are not acceptable to host finals.

Bayside City Council have only just appointed a project manager to hopefully start the rebuild of the change-rooms, although no dates have yet been advised and we are still awaiting the identity of the builder awarded the project.

It’s hard to believe that 10 months later we have only got to here!!

The second main reason is the SFNL concern of the ongoing condition of the playing surface that continually becomes unsatisfactory once minimum rain occurs, despite the daily efforts by many club volunteers to protect the surface as best as possible. A trip to local Kingston council grounds highlights the difference and what we are up against.

The lack of urgency by Bayside City Council to NOT rectify these issues and treat them with the urgency they deserve will now have a long affect on our club as the finals have been a strong source of revenue for many a year.

Whilst this whole experience has been, and continues to be an extremely disappointing one, I would like to acknowledge the resilience of the playing group and the hard work of all the committee and volunteers who continue to make the club the success that it is.

*Disclaimer – We would like to thank Alan Webb from the council for his ongoing day to day support.

Adam King